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Member Benefits

The BCHPCA Membership is as diverse as the communities it serves. This includes hospice societies, health practitioners, volunteers, health educators, physicians, allied health professionals, medicine specialists, pharama, alternative health care providers, social workers, spiritual healers, academicians, policymakers, interested citizens and students, just to name a few.

10 Great Reasons for Being A Member

1. Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together to produce positive results for hospice palliative care in our province.

2. Annual Educational Conference: The annual Conference provides quality education and networking for hospice societies, public health professionals, volunteers and the community and you receive a SIGNIFICANT discount by being a member.  You can contribute to the content, help plan the Conference or attend to enhance your professional development.

3. Public Policy: You can contribute to the strong advocacy program centered on assuring that those in end of life care and hospice societies voices are being heard.  We have a  committee that focuses on this type of work. 

4. Informational Services: The association keeps members in touch with each other and current issues through the association’s web site, email updates and app of emerging issues relevant to hospice palliative care.

5. Networking: You have many opportunities to network with hospice societies, public health professionals and volunteers in our province, building your contacts, sharing ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance hospice palliative care  and find opportunities for career enhancement, etc. Networking events range from conferences to workshops and forums. 

6. Affiliation: You will have affiliation with the Hospice Palliative Care community within BC  and Canada. 

7. Discounts on Educational Offerings: You receive reduced registration fees at all conferences, workshops, forums and sponsored continuing education events.

8. Leadership Opportunities: You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and meeting management skills that you may need for your resume, professional growth or self-promotion.  Opportunities are available on the Board, committees and special projects.

9. Recognition: You can be recognized or can recognize your colleagues for their achievements in hospice palliative care.  Some of our heroes work right next to us every day!

10. Empowerment: You are part of a larger community.  You are empowered to get involved in issues that affect your personal and professional communities and the quality of life of those needing hospice palliative care within BC.

Become a Member today!

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About the association

BCHPCA represents its members: individuals and organizations that deliver hospice/palliative care and bereavement services and programs across British Columbia.                              

Copyright © BC Hospice Palliative Care Association 2020


Main Line: (604) 267-7024
Toll Free:
1-(877) 410-6297
Unit 1100- 1200 West 73rd Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5

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